Friday, June 3, 2011

First workout with Trainer

I met my trainer today. I won't say I was a little nervous but I had dreams all night of not being able to find her, finding the wrong person, being at the wrong place, and so on. I guess the intimidation of facing someone who's fit for a living and having them baseline just how out of shape you are- spooky. I think I slept about 3 hours.
Arrived at club, there she was- and she's perfect. A delight! Friendly, warm, easy to talk to. I was really happy with her.
We went over my health history and what exercise I like to do. I explained that I *had* liked to do exercise but I got chubby it's just such a miserable, sweaty, chafing process that I avoid it. Therefore, I could not describe any exercises that I like in present tense. :)
But, knowing I am getting in shape, I had to give her a list. So first I told her that a few months ago I started running and really started to like it. Granted, I was running one minute walking two (intervals) but still- I could see potential. Especially if there was less of me jiggling. I told her I used to run, growing up, in track. A sprinter. I've long had a secret dream to someday race again in grown up Master's Track meets. I also played a bit of tennis as a kid, would love to pick that back up. We also discussed a few things I wanted to work on specifically related to flexibility and core strength.
Then I did about 15 minutes on a sort of elliptical thingie ( I don't remember what it's called, I just know you can step up and down or in a running motion) and I kept myself at my target heart rate- between 130 and 160. Despite feeling as though I was going to flop to the earth my heart rate stayed pretty low, which she said is a good thing.
Last, I did the bike while watching an educational video. This will be part of every workout, 3 times a week for the next 6+ months. It was all about getting started, what I'll need (measuring cups, food scale, etc). It was pretty good- felt like the first day of camp.
After the workout I hit the showers with my new wraparound towel. This was a necessity purchase because the towels at the club are small and using two at once (which a lot of folks do) makes me feel even bigger. It was an excellent purchase.
The only issue for today was that I packed my work shirt (a tee sort of shirt) in my gym bag last night and arrived at work looking like an old lunch bag!
By the way, I logged over 4800 steps yesterday with just a little more effort. It's amazing how little things increase your steps.

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