Friday, March 29, 2013

Life is too short for later.

Today a classmate died, someone I met before kindergarten and went to school with through high school. We were friends and neighbors. As a kid we shared countless days of summer with the neighborhood kids running through the streets of View Cliff and biking to Adelaide Beach. I boarded my horse at his house- they had a pasture and a barn.

His family was a good family of kind people with a great sense of humor. He married a gal he clearly adored and they had a family of two rescued cats in their home in Japan. When the earthquake hit, he went back out into the wreckage in Japan to care for and save the many pets left behind. He was a good guy, heck he even wrote his own obituary on his blog. As it always does, the death of someone my age made me think about my own life. Toby spent a lot of time coaching and helping others, so I imagine in some way he'd appreciate this.

I am not a person who has to physically see the people I am friends with, I don't do lunch with old high school girlfriends or get together really with college pals.

But a few years ago we had a class reunion, and I missed it. Since then two classmates have died, it would have been nice to say hello. I wouldn't regret missing the reunion, except for the reason I missed it- I didn't want anyone to see me overweight.

I'm heavier than I was when I was a high school cheerleader, and I was afraid people would think of me as a failure, or talk behind my back. Or think I'd "gone to pot" and wasn't pretty or worthwhile anymore. So I made up an excuse and didn't go. A  few friend who were in town that know my hubby came out and we got together and I was terrified the whole time of what they were thinking. What was I thinking? I regret not either 1) doing something about my health or 2) getting over it and just going.

I read a comment on Toby's facebook page which said, " Life is too short for later."  How true.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Before and After Again

This is a WAY cool tool, so check it out. You can customize the look if you want, or just look at the overall body. I know I posted something similar long ago on here but 1) it didn't look like me (hair, face) and 2) I didn't have this cool tool to share.

Model My Diet

This allows you to show a before and after of yourself and really customize. I did one of me, and I think it actually really looks like me. Hate to see myself needing to re-lose so much, but it's nice to put my double chin onto the model so I am not alone. Ha!

Hubby and I made charts so we can color in our weight loss and started walking together wearing our heart rate monitors this week. My goal is a 5k in June, maybe May. I need to check in with Woodstock about what is possible. Hubby suggested a walk/run 5k in May, then running one in June. Not a bad idea.

My shoes are getting worn out (workout shoes) so it's time to get some new ones, my feet were hurting after yesterday's walk.

Here's me- before and after. I can't wait until after!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Facebook Fairgodmother

Do you see a theme? I love Fairy Godmothers. Or guardian angels, or whatever you want to call them. I think they're everywhere and these days with the social media craze they allow us to find support pretty much any time of day or night.

On Facebook there is a community called Fat Girl No More run by a lovely lady named Elisa (I shall now refer to as FF- for Facebook Faiyrgodmother) who posts her updates, successes, challenges and inspirational pics and such all day. Sometimes it's a pic of her pedometer, sometimes a pic or recipe of what she's eating. She's losing and we're with her- what a blast.

Check her out, if you're on FB - here's an example of one of her posts. What a great point- we don't need to succeed or fail because or anyone else, we can succeed in spite of it all. Thanks, FF!