Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Before and After Again

This is a WAY cool tool, so check it out. You can customize the look if you want, or just look at the overall body. I know I posted something similar long ago on here but 1) it didn't look like me (hair, face) and 2) I didn't have this cool tool to share.

Model My Diet

This allows you to show a before and after of yourself and really customize. I did one of me, and I think it actually really looks like me. Hate to see myself needing to re-lose so much, but it's nice to put my double chin onto the model so I am not alone. Ha!

Hubby and I made charts so we can color in our weight loss and started walking together wearing our heart rate monitors this week. My goal is a 5k in June, maybe May. I need to check in with Woodstock about what is possible. Hubby suggested a walk/run 5k in May, then running one in June. Not a bad idea.

My shoes are getting worn out (workout shoes) so it's time to get some new ones, my feet were hurting after yesterday's walk.

Here's me- before and after. I can't wait until after!

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