It was like homecoming- I saw SkinnyBuns working out, and the Eagle Guru glided past and said hello, I almost jumped off my stairclimber!
And of course, there was Woodstock. Is there anything better than exiting the locker room and seeing Woodstock there, ready to work out? Nope.
I had been really nervous- here she had put so much work into re crafting me, would she be mad that I had regained some weight and lost some of my diligence in working out? I had asked via email the day before and got a resounding NO, so I felt better.
She was regular Woodstock, and we went right to work- elliptical, stairclimber, then weights and a weigh in (I get points for that for the Alumni Challenge). Then I watched the Lapse/Relapse video, a really good one from the 20/20 educational videos.
Good things about the workout:
- Seeing 3 of my favorite folks
- I was able to do most exercises on the same weight as last workout, so I haven't lost as much strength as I feared (I even planked for a full 60 seconds)
- My cardio wasn't bad either
What a great start to the day. Woodstock and I are on for next week on Monday and Wednesday, I have a couple gift certificates that are allowing me to buy some trainer sessions- HOORAY!
Hi there! I like your blog - welcome back! I'm in 20/20 - currently on week 8 or 9 (not completely sure because I had a week there where my trainer was out and I worked out without her, so I think I'm on week 8 with her and 9 with the dietician or something like that) and it's been amazing - it's so good to hear from someone else in the program! Keep it up, it will SO be worth it (and you know this!) :-)