Friday, June 29, 2012


I had a work trip to Panama this week, and I maintained my weight. Actually, I may be down a pound or two- I got in at 2 am and weighed myself this morning. I imagine I have some airplane bload.

I met my goal of getting in 10,000 steps a day even on travel days- I walked in the airports, took the stairs and just about wore my feet right off. By rotating shoes and icing my feet at night I seemed to help them recover- no blisters anyhow.

What's that? How did I eat? You *would* ask that, wouldn't you? :)

I did okay. I give myself a B. (I decided grading myself is kinder than just "pass fail". I tried to make good choices (dodging fried stuff when possible) but I did indulge in the local fare. I didn't let myself bring my usual bodybag full of almonds and other airplane snacks, and I left mayo and cheese off my airport sandwiches.

Last summer on vacation I was a rock- really strict and no bread, etc. I hope that by family vacation time in Aug this year I can be that successful, but for this trip my goal was simply get those 10,000 steps (requested by Woodstock) and not gain. And I didn't.

Tomorrow I have a hike with my daughter and a group of girls from church, so that's good- gotta keep on moving.... then back to M-W workouts with Woodstock on Monday, can't wait!

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