Monday, January 28, 2013

Comfort Sandals (aka, am I getting old)

There was a day and a time when I really put some effort into my looks. These days you could pretty much chart the effort I put into myself and it would go up as my weight goes down. Confession- the other day I had to wear some open toed shoes to work and I only bothered to paint the toes you could see. Seriously, how lazy can you get?

That is SO dumb, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter my size. Anyhow, long ago I was skinny and looking cute was easier plus I put more work into it.

Today, I am wearing sandals with Velcro. In fact it was just a few years ago when I was heckling a good friend who was pregnant and wearing flesh-colored (okay, they were cream) sandals, her puffed feet velcroed in like two chubby little whales hanging from those slings when they are transported. Fortunately she had a great sense of humor (and lost her baby weight in 10 minutes) so she was amused as well.

Today, I am on a travel trip wearing sandals with Velcro. Ecco brand, I like to say I think they're cute. I am not sure, but I don't care. That's right, I said it. I got blue, thinking I could dodge the cream and black options and I think they're cute.

 and I am going to give them a try because I am sick of my feet hurting and who knows, maybe a compromise would help me get in more steps.
UPDATE: later that same day-  I just put almost 5,000 steps on these beauties and my feet feel like they've been in workout tennis shoes. I went to the Zoo in them and this bird loved them so much he followed me.
Here, I took a pic (yeah, the ground was that rough by the Gibbon cages):
here's a pic of his face, he seems to be saying:
"quit worrying about foot fashion and get those steps in, lady!"

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Stepping through the Philippines

My fitbit charges, and my account recognizes it, but it swears I have no steps. NO STEPS?! You're talking to the lady who was marching outside the bathroom on the plane to get steps, buddy. I need to get this fixed. So I'll log my steps here for the trip to make it easier. So I'll be popping back in to update it. Update: steps are fixed, now I can track.

  • Saturday- 6,000 steps (a bit over actually) and then 16 hours of flight.
    • from Saturday at 7 am- landing in Korea middle of the night and heading to Manila.
  • Sunday- 4835 total.
    • from Sunday 10 pm when I arrived to Monday when I crashed to go to bed about 1 pm. It includes my trip to the Zoo.
    • of note- this was the "lost day" when I crossed the international dateline and but got another good steps in (2500 at airport and on way to hotel). 
  • Monday - 7,811 steps
    • from Monday at 7 pm and when I crashed into bed at noon on Tuesday. Ate WAY too much junk so glad to have done okay on steps.
    • Fitbit did not track my sleep from its nest in my hair yesterday, going to try it on my shorts when I sleep now.
  • Tuesday 8037
    • mall walking really helps- so many interesting stores at the MegaMall I could walk for days.
  • Wednesday 2560
    • This wasn't a great day for steps, but it was amazing for sleep. I got home from work and slept like mad.
    • failed at logging sleep - used a pony tail holder to try to  keep it on my wrist but it didn't work.
  • Thursday 7540
    • did a lot of mall walking, treated myself to a massage (60 min for $15!) and walked walked walked some more

Airport Security - stop that hair!

I am in the Philippines right now, I just arrived. I'll be here all week for work.

Airports are like opportunities, something weird always happens. Last trip (to Panama) for work I was waiting at the gate for an hour with a guy doing pushups and sit ups on the stained disgusting carpet. I thought he was a little overboard, and the exercise gods punished me by making me lose my fitbit in the airport. By the way, if you ever lose a fitbit in the Panama Airport you will never see it again, so don't even bother to call. Someone will assume it's a giant paperclip and use it as such or throw it out I assume.

Back to this trip- I am going through security with my standard "hair piled on head into a giant messy bun okay maybe I ratted it up/teased it a little so sue me" and I got stopped by security. SO THEY COULD INSPECT MY HAIR. And they did.

These days with the many variations of getting searched at the airport I suppose I am lucky, but honestly I'd rather have a bra check than have them destroy my 'do before I head onto 16 hours of flights.

I told Woodstock I'd get in 10,000 steps a day, and I got in almost 6,000 before my flight left- then it changed days. DOH! Anyhow, I'll synch my fitbit to my machine and post toward the end of the trip so we can see how I am doing.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A daily jolt of goodness

Oh Skinnybuns, you are like a fairy godmother (with a much better figure) who pops in with good things to share. Out of the way, Martha Stewart, Skinnybuns knows the REAL good things.

Today she shared this with me:

where you can get a short daily note of inspiration AND they customize. So your name (or whatever you wish to be called) goes in and even, on occasion, your specific goals.


then I said STOP. Skinnybuns NEVER says just to shoot for skinny because skinny isn't always healthy (a lot of people get skinny just before they die, as I recall). So I thought hard about what I want to have for my body and for my life. 

I'm pretty happy- my house isn't fancy but it works, there is a lot of goodness there. But I do have kinda crummy cars. Not horrific, they run and they're paid for but my Honda Civic is an '04 and it's so loud inside I can't do conference calls without being accused of being in a convertible. My Suburban is 14 and she's showing her age- she drives like an old truck and is ready to retire.

I can live with them but boy would a newer (or even slightly better) car or truck be awesome. So that's my material object.

and my body- I came up with some descriptors for that as well that go beyond thin. I tried to think of how I felt at my healthiest...

anyhow, I am pretty excited about these new messages. I'm sure I'll share a few amusing ones here as they roll in every day.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Trash In, Trash Out

I love a touch of trash- but in my food? I am notorious for eating absolute garbage even when I know it makes me feel terrible. Twinkies (RIP), frozen processed meals, sugar sugar and more sugar. But here's an interesting article- check it out:

You think the FDA has your back? Sure, they recently proposed two new regulations to up food safety measures, specifically how food processors and farmers can work better to keep their fresh products free of dangerous bacteria (remember that killer cantaloupe outbreak from 2011?). But while it may seem like the government is out to protect us from bad—even fatal—food-borne illnesses, which cause some 3,000 deaths a year, they don't completely have our best interest—or health—in mind.

Hmmm maybe it's not just calorie count but WHAT you're eating that matters....

Friday, January 11, 2013

A date with my gym bag

Time for some work to make being healthy easier. Here are my weekend commitments...
  •       Organize gym bag,
  •       Charge and set up fitbit (bought it in Sept, haven't been using) 
  • Start wearing HRM for exercise
  • Clean risky food from house (mostly cereal, cannot be trusted with cereal)
and I think hubby and I will do something Saturday like a long long walk around Greenlake or something.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tacky Templates

Please excuse a bit of oddity while I hassle with these templates. My old template died (went away for some coding reason) so now I am forced to find a suitably tacky replacement. I promise soon the words won't all be centered or giant or weird - I'll fix it on my lunch break today :)

20/20, now 20/10

I did 20/20. It was a great program and I loved it, it worked better than any other weight loss program I have done. Like all weight loss programs, there were a few commons:
  • it works (calories in < calories burned)
towards the end, I was injured and struggled to work out. And that is on me- Piggie used it as an excuse to do NOTHING and since I was in amazing shape by the time I got hurt it was a slow demise but the unthinkable happened- I regained and eventually got out of shape. Because I was in such good shape it was a slow, miserable process during which I had MANY opportunities to turn it around (and sometimes tried).

I have talked to other 20/20 alumni had this same experience when injured and I have come to the conclusion that the end of the program when you have precious few dietitian appointments, trainer appointments, etc, you are afraid to use them while injured. You go on a medical break but have no support. My trainer, Woodstock, emailed me but I was highly dependent on the 3x a week of having her chase me through the gym and the finality of every Friday with my dietitian. Without my crew, I fell into a slump. The thrill was gone.

Now I realize this is mostly my problem, but do believe some 'transition' planning would be really beneficial for clients, as I know ones who regain talk about just feeling like they had it all during the program but were alone (and hungry) when it was over. No cheer crew.

Regardless, I remain devoted to 20/20 and always recommend people do it. It's the best program out there, period.

I think of 20/20 as perfect vision, which is what you get with help and support (sometimes glasses- which is how I see the structure, dietitian, etc). It works, and you feel great.

Today I am on what I call 20/10. That's a little better than perfect vision, you can see a little more. I think that is what people have when they have to re-lose some or all of their program weight. More perfect? are you kidding? re-losing is LESS perfect.

No, little grasshopper, it is not. Because you are wiser, you SEE more. You know what you need to do and you can't use glasses to get there. No doctor gives out glasses to get you from 20/20 to 20/10. You can only be 20/10 naturally.

And there are 10 things I know now that I didn't know then.

  1. If you stop doing what you learned, it stops working. And you gain weight. And it sucks.
  2. Once you're thin your body DOES NOT decide to stay thin on it's own like it did when you were 20.
  3. Those clothes you enthusiastically threw out because they were too big may be missed. But don't- just replace a few to get by and get back to the smaller clothes.
  4. You won't get or stay anywhere if you don't exercise now.
  5. You now have to learn and face truths about obesity you may not have realized before- more illness, less energy, etc.
  6. It's a bitter pill to swallow having seen people who tell you how amazing you look then facing them again with more weight. I had someone ask "why did you get fat again".
  7. You really can't do it for anyone else, or be motivated by anyone else. Or make a deal that "we'll both do good" because ultimately you get on the scale alone.
  8. The scale matters. It's a tool for measuring. I'd wear pants unbuttoned if it meant I could pretend I hadn't gained, but I cannot trick the scale.
  9. You will miss being thin more than you will love any dessert, food or event.
  10. Freedom means you can choose- and you always can- to eat healthy or poorly. And eating poorly WILL make you feel lousy. There's no denying it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Clearly, I was overserved.

Growing up my older brothers had friends who were like family, they were always around. One, who was notorious for overimbing would often say "Clearly, I was overserved".

This past year, I have been overserved. By myself. Actually, it started last January when I got injured. Very slowwwwly I began to regain and get out of shape. I can say without hesitation that it is a LOT less fun to gain than to lose.

  • hey, this is easier!
  • hey, that fits better!
  • hey, I can do that!
  • this is harder
  • this sucks
  • I can't fit into that
  • I can't do that

So I am going back to losing, it was a lot more fun.

Why now, you ask? Why are you blogging again dear Trashy? Why not continue to hide from your blog and your butt like you have been?

Because of Skinnybuns and Woodstock. For one, Skinnybuns has lost her mind and is planning a 100k trek in England. AND she started blogging. See her blog here, she's posting her goals (with numbers, brave girl) and progress and things she's grateful for. I am going to start posting stuff I am grateful for (as soon as I think of something).

Here is Skinnybuns blog:

and Eagle Guru is trekking with her, I believe. I admit, if I were rich and famous I'd go along just to carry their water bottles, those brave souls. Or maybe to cheer for them (another time I shall confess to my constant need to cheer for people and things).

So she has inspired me. Also, I got a package of workouts with Woodstock who will NEVER let me forget that me and my chubbiness are never, ever, ever EVER getting back together (to quote Taylor Swift) because I have done this before and I will do it again.

And I will.