Now this looks like fun (Skinnybuns would surely say she knows I love a challenge and a community and always... ALWAYS I love prizes).
These folks are doing a fitness challenge and I am all about it. You can choose to do the weight part as well (I need both) but I am just excited to see the fitness part.
Since my October hip surgery the most I am able to do is short walks (with short steps) around my neighborhood, but even that doesn't seem to motivate me. So perhaps this challenge will!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
10 Tips for Surviving a Rough Spot
Nope, I am not doing PALEO. But I have been reading a bit about it, and looking at recipes, and I saw this article from and I want to share it.
#7- Learning to Triage has been my lesson for this summer. WAY too many demands, still no ability to clone myself. In fact, I was at my daughter's summer camp volunteering for 5 days to do crafts with 175 kids (and some crafty adults) when I got a text asking me to volunteer to teach a craft class in early October. I don't even teach crafts- I was only doing so at camp out of love for my daughter- it's not like this is a skill or passion of mine. Anyhow, right before I felt guilty and agreed I stopped. No. I am not doing this. THIS week is my craft "give" for the year, no more. It felt really good to say no, almost as good as ice cream.
I do try to pick up the occasional extra condiment when I am out and about (salt packets, mustard packets- some places have lemon packets and/or vinegar packets, which is very fancy) and that helps me make an emergency eating kit.
Anyhow, read on- I hope you get something from this as I did :)
#7- Learning to Triage has been my lesson for this summer. WAY too many demands, still no ability to clone myself. In fact, I was at my daughter's summer camp volunteering for 5 days to do crafts with 175 kids (and some crafty adults) when I got a text asking me to volunteer to teach a craft class in early October. I don't even teach crafts- I was only doing so at camp out of love for my daughter- it's not like this is a skill or passion of mine. Anyhow, right before I felt guilty and agreed I stopped. No. I am not doing this. THIS week is my craft "give" for the year, no more. It felt really good to say no, almost as good as ice cream.
I do try to pick up the occasional extra condiment when I am out and about (salt packets, mustard packets- some places have lemon packets and/or vinegar packets, which is very fancy) and that helps me make an emergency eating kit.
Anyhow, read on- I hope you get something from this as I did :)
When the Going Gets Tough: 10 Tips for
Surviving a Rough Spot
By Sébastien Noël
Last updated on June
28th, 2013
Sticking to Paleo (any diet) is hard enough on an ordinary
day. But every so often, life just goes above and beyond to rain on your
parade. Sometimes it’s a family emergency that leaves you dashing from work
straight to the hospital every day with no chance to even think about cooking
healthy food. Sometimes it’s as simple as a monster project at work or a hectic
finals week. And sometimes it’s the unique form of nutritional hell that is air
travel. But one way or another, it’s going to happen to all of us, and the
common factor is stress.
Stressful times in your life are when your
body needs the most nourishment, but they’re also the times when that
nourishment is hardest to get. The good news is that a rough spot doesn’t have
to derail all your efforts to keep yourself healthy, especially not if you plan
for it in advance, and don’t wait until the crisis actually hits.
Anatomy of a Rough Spot
Think of your decision-making process as a
pair of scales. On one side are all the things that support a healthy
lifestyle, both internal (the desire to lose weight, to be healthy and fit, to
have more energy) and external (good food being available and affordable). On
the other side of the scale are all the things that tempt you to make unhealthy
choices, both internal (cravings, desire for comfort food) and external (the
lack of anything healthy to eat, the cost of good food, lack of time to sleep
or work out). Just like any scale, whichever side is “heavier” wins out –
that’s the decision you’re ultimately going to make.
Rough spots in your life all take weight off
the “healthy” side of the scale and add it to the “unhealthy” side. Internally,
they’re usually accompanied by all kinds of negative emotions like fear, grief,
and loneliness. This can make you lose track of your long-term health goals,
and leave you craving sugary “comfort foods.”
Externally, rough spots are often a perfect
storm of circumstances that can defeat even the best of intentions. Sometimes,
you don’t have a lot of control over your own food (think of getting stuck in a
hospital or an airport). You’re often time crunched, and even smart people make
bad decisions when they’re rushed. Money is another factor; eating well on a
budget is possible, but it’s hard to learn at first.
A Word about Playing Superhero: Don’t.
In the middle of all these internal and
external problems, the temptation to play the superhero is very enticing: “I’ve
had 6 hours of sleep in the past 3 days, and I’m an emotional wreck from the
car accident yesterday that sent my daughter to the ER with three broken ribs,
but I’m still getting up at 5am to squeeze in a workout before my 10-hour
shift, and if there’s nothing Paleo to eat during the hospital visiting hours
afterwards, I’ll just have another caffeine pill and tough it out. I have to be
strong enough. Everyone is counting on me.”
As absurd as it sounds, this is extremely
compelling in the moment. You’re needed. You’re important. You’re that
indispensable person who’s holding the world together. Deciding to
singlehandedly take on the impossible and win gives you a crazy adrenaline
rush, and sometimes, that’s the only good feeling around.
The “scale model” of making decisions in the
middle of a rough spot should clearly show why this approach is a bad idea.
Many different things can weigh down the healthy side of the scale; willpower
is only one of them. Trusting to willpower alone is weakening your response to
the situation, because it’s an artificial limit, (and as discussed in the article on
willpower, it isn’t likely to work anyway). That frantic burst of
energy fades fast; it won’t power you through the long term.
Looking at willpower as just one of the many
weights on the scale gives you a valuable distance from the tendency to blame
yourself for every imperfection, because you can see all the other factors
involved. If you’re struggling to make healthy choices during a hard time in
your life, it’s not because you’re weak, stupid, lazy, or unmotivated. It’s
a simple mathematical calculation: the weight on the “unhealthy” side of the
scale is heavier than the weight on the “healthy” side. So don’t waste time and
energy beating yourself up; it’s not helpful anyway. Instead, use that time and
energy to re-balance all the different weights on the scale.
10 Tips for When the Going Gets Tough
10. Ask for help. Most people love the chance to be
someone else’s hero, but they can’t help you if they don’t know you need it.
Make it clear that they can say no if they’re too busy, but there’s no harm in
asking. Some little favors that can make a big difference:
- “Here’s
10 bucks; would you mind grabbing me ______________ while you’re at the
store?” (add weight to the “healthy” side of the balance by making it
easier to eat good food)
- “Would
you mind picking Jimmy up from school today?” (add weight to the “healthy”
side by giving you extra time to work out, cook, or just take a nap)
- “Would
you mind taking that bowl of candy off your desk just for today? I’m
trying to eat healthy, and it’s a really rough day for me; I could use a
little help.” (take weight off the “unhealthy” side by removing easy
access to junk food)
9. Reshuffle your resources. All rough spots give you a “crunch” in at
least one area – time, money, energy, patience, environment (lack of access to
good food), or something else. All of these “crunches” are weights on the unhealthy
side of the scale. But not all crises crunch you in everything simultaneously.
Sometimes, you can use what you have to make up for what you don’t.
In particular, you can often exchange time or
energy for money. You can either pay someone for the convenience of buying your
food pre-made, or take the time to make it yourself for less. So if you’re
broke but not busy, use your time to look up the cheapest recipes you can find
and cook all your food at home (here’s a list of money-saving tips
to get you started). On the other hand, if you’re busy or exhausted but you
have extra cash, consider getting your groceries delivered, buying a bunch of
pre-cut vegetables and rotisserie chicken for dinner, or otherwise paying
someone to save your precious minutes.
8. Reward yourself. You are making a series of difficult choices
under extremely tough circumstances. Little rewards make you feel better,
reducing the desire for comfort foods to mask the pain (taking weight off the
“unhealthy choices” side of the scale).
“Rewarding” yourself with unhealthy food is
obviously counterproductive, but what about a new bottle of nail polish, a
desktop toy, or a trip to the movies? If you don’t have time for anything in
the moment, make a plan for a reward you can enjoy when the rough spot is over,
so you’ll have something to look forward to.
It doesn’t have to cost money, either. Rewards
can be as simple as taking 30 seconds to congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Humans crave praise: think of the way a kid’s eyes light up at a sincere
compliment from a parent or a coach. Adults need that affirmation just as much;
we’re just better at hiding it. Even if you feel a little silly, take the time
to celebrate yourself for getting through an especially tough day. You deserve
7. Learn to triage. The triage system was developed as an
efficient and useful way of distributing medical resources under the brutally
stressful conditions of a military hospital. It sorts patients into 3 groups:
- People
who will live if they have to wait for care.
- People
who are already dead/will die whether they get medical care or not.
- People
who will live if they get immediate care, but will die if they don’t.
The first group gets put on a waitlist. The
second group gets some strong painkillers and a quiet bed if they’re lucky. The
third group gets the bulk of the available medical resources, because that’s
where those resources will do the most good.
How does this have anything to do with Paleo?
Going through a rough spot in your life is like being a doctor on a
battlefield: too many demands, and not enough resources. So you need to divide
the demands into three groups:
- Things
that can wait.
- Things
you can’t fix no matter what you do.
- Areas
where acting right now can actually make a difference.
Leave the first group alone for now; you can
deal with them when you’re through the rough spot. Let the second group go
because there’s nothing you can do so there’s no point wasting time and energy
on them. Focus on the third group, the areas where your time, energy, and other
resources can actually help.
This helps you apply your resources most
effectively. Thinking back to the scale, if you have a decision that’s too
heavily weighted against you from the start, don’t waste your resources
uselessly weighing down the healthy end. It just drains you of time, energy,
and money that you could have used more effectively somewhere else.
6. Prioritize. Closely related to triaging is the art of
setting priorities. This means ranking the items in the 3rd triage
category (areas where acting right now can actually help) in order of how
important they are. Some things in this category are urgent (immediately
demanding attention, like a new Facebook notification), but they just aren’t important
(related to your long-term goals and values, like spending time with your
family). Setting priorities helps you stay focused on what really matters.
Sit down with a pen and paper and plan out
your schedule, your budget, or whatever it is that’s stressing you out. First,
write out your priorities, from most to least important. Then, start at
the top, and write down how much of your scarce resources you’ll need to
dedicate to each priority.
To prevent getting distracted by
urgent-but-not-important things, it helps to post the priority list somewhere
very visible, or use it to make a detailed daily outline of how you’re going to
spend your resources (time, money, energy, or whatever else it is), and then
stick to it.
This process can be brutal. It’s very
difficult to accept that you just don’t have enough resources for all the
things that are important to you. Here especially, there’s that temptation to
play the superhero, to temporarily avoid the pain of trimming down your expectations
by declaring against all reason that you can squeeze 30 hours of work
into a 24-hour day.
But the reality is that you aren’t that
superhero, and you have 24 hours to work with just like the rest of us. You
cannot win a one-(wo)man war with reality. Acknowledge the existence of your
limits and direct your resources into what’s truly important (not just urgent):
you’ll ultimately have more control over your own life and fewer regrets.
You’ll have to pick your battles, but you’re much more likely to win the ones
you do choose to fight.
Like triaging, setting priorities helps you
decide where you can best use the weights at your disposal, and where you’ll
have to compromise to make sure the important things get done. (And as a side
note, it’s okay and normal for your priorities to change along the way. In
fact, it’s good to re-evaluate every time your life takes a major change. The
list is a tool to help you live, not a set of ironclad rules that you need to
5. Inspire yourself. Psyching yourself up to play the superhero by
doing everything at once is counterproductive. But once you’ve made a logical
decision about what you can and can’t take on (using the priorities/triage
system above), there’s definitely a time to give your emotional motivation a
boost by hunting down some inspirational or motivating resources (adding more
weight to the “healthy” side of the scale).
Read a new health-related book, or re-read an
old favorite. Watch an inspirational movie. Think of a quote that always makes
you feel like you’re ready to take on the world, and post it somewhere visible.
If you always struggle with Paleo when you’re travelling, paperclip it to your
passport. Other good places include the background of your phone or computer,
the inside of a cupboard door, or the inside of your wallet. Some ideas to get
you started:
- “If
you’re going through Hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill
- “A
vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise
healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world” – Paul
Dudley White
- “You,
as a food buyer, have the distinct privilege of proactively participating
in shaping the world your children will inherit.” – Joel Salatin
- “When
you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” – Franklin D.
Alternately, you could do the same thing with
pictures that remind you of your priorities. The point is just to throw more
weight onto that side of the scale, in whatever way is most compelling to you.
4. Let go of perfection. Recognize that Paleo won’t always be at the
top of your priority list. It might be time to make the best choices that align
with your current priorities, and commit to rearranging your priorities when
the crisis is over.
This sounds like defeatism. It’s not. It’s not
about totally throwing your diet to the winds. It’s notabout gorging on junk
food “while you can,” on the theory that helping an elderly parent through
palliative care will somehow be less heartbreaking if you singlehandedly keep
Ben & Jerry’s in business. It’s about eating well when it doesn’t conflict
with your higher priorities, and letting go of guilt and judgment when you
can’t do everything at once.
Freeing yourself from the pressure to stay
perfectly on track can actually help in the long run, because one late-night
run to IHOP when nothing else is open doesn’t lead to a slippery slope of
“well, I failed; might as well give up the whole thing.” In other words, it
actually takes a huge weight of negative emotions off the “unhealthy”
side of the scale. When the crisis is over, you won’t have to pull yourself out
of a hole of self-hatred and feelings of failure, because the period of
less-than-perfect food quality was all part of the plan.
3. Break it up. If thinking about the next six months is
overwhelming, think about the next week. If that’s overwhelming, think about
the upcoming day. If even that’s overwhelming, just think about the next hour,
or the next 5 minutes. Your mind and body are screaming for chocolate-chip
cookies, but can you grit your teeth and hold out for 5 more minutes? There are
300 seconds in 5 minutes; count them one by one. Name all the states you can,
alphabetically or geographically. Go through your phone and delete all your old
text messages. Sing the most inane pop song you can remember (in your head or
out loud). Memorize your driver’s license number. Clean the toilet.
This sounds ridiculous, but here’s the kicker:
when you commit to the next 5 minutes, you’re tapping into the incredible
motivational power of setting specific, realistic, measurable goals. Achieving
a goal sets off a powerful chemical response in your brain, a flood of dopamine
that sets off the exact same reward pathways that the cookies would have, only
without the stomachache. If you can just power through that first 5 minutes,
you’ll get an instant energy boost to help you keep it up.
2. Practice stress management. Stress
(from any source) has a sneaky way of overwhelming all the willpower and good
intentions in the world. Some people feel the overpowering urge to mask the
stress with comfort food; others unintentionally starve themselves of nutrients
because they’re just too stressed to eat. And who has energy for cooking dinner
or going to the gym after a night spent lying awake and
Productive stress management techniques (that
actually address the problem, instead of just covering it up) are much more
effective than trying to force through this kind of resistance on willpower
alone. Again, don’t try to play the superhero. Look for better ways to tip the
scale in your favor:
- Keep
a journal, even if you think you’re a lousy writer. Just writing “I hate
my life and I want to die” over and over again can be surprisingly
therapeutic. Or indulge your inner 5-year-old with some sparkly crayons
and have fun doodling.
- Take
a deep breath. Look out the window, or away from whatever your stressor
is, and breathe in as much air as your lungs can hold. Then blow it out
again. Meditating is even better if you’re already in the habit, but most
of us aren’t, and taking up a habit of meditation in the middle of a
crisis is realistically not going to happen.
- Take
a walk. Just a spin around the block is often enough.
1. Plan ahead. Planning ahead gets the number 1 spot because
it’s the easiest and most effective method – and also the one most of us are
least likely to actually do. Human beings are chronically bad at planning for
problems that aren’t right in front of our noses (think of the huge number of
people who have a new car every two years, but no retirement savings). And then
we’re chronically getting blindsided by crazy emergencies that randomly crop up
when we least expect them.
You can’t plan for specific emergencies in
advance, but you can make an all-purpose grab-and-go Paleo SOS kit that will
power you through the day if your routine gets thrown off, giving an unexpected
crisis much less power to throw you off your Paleo game.
Here’s a sample Paleo SOS kit for one person:
- 2
cans or single-serving foil packages of fish (whatever kind you like, as
long as it doesn’t require a can opener)
- 1
Larabar (or a similar Paleo-friendly energy bar)
- Small
container or a few packets of salt and pepper
- 3
of your favorite tea bags, with some squeeze packets of honey if you take
- 3
packets of instant coffee, if you drink it
- A
serving-size bar of dark chocolate
- Single-serving
squeeze packets of almond butter or another nut butter
- Single-serving
packages of Natural Calm
- Bag
of jerky
- Knife,
fork, and spoon
- Paper
napkins or baby wipes
- Sealed
plastic bottle of water (so you don’t have to worry about it staying
- 2
or 3 index cards with recipes so easy you could throw them together with
your eyes closed (in case you’re stranded living at someone else’s house)
Other Stuff
- A pocket-sized book that makes you smile (to read instead of giving in to cravings for junk food). From Touch of Trash- I like Sudoku, word search and other game books as well. I like to keep a copy of a favorite previously read book in my trunk also, in case I get stick somewhere.
- A
copy of all your important keys (house, car, bike lock, office, etc.)
- Small
notebook and a pen
- 1
day’s supply of any medications or supplements you take, clearly labeled
- 4-5
pads or tampons (for women)
The hardest part about this is just getting up
and doing it before the crisis happens. You probably even have most of these
things in your house right now, and it only takes a few minutes to get them
together – go do it!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
If it walks like a duck...
A friend shared this video with me, and it got me thinking.
Every vet will tell a duck "duck, get in the water, you'll be SO glad you did. Don't stay in that tiny pen and eat crummy food- go to the water, move your legs, hunt for duckweed and vegetation hat will fuel your ducky body to have energy and feel better.
The ducks get herded toward the water by well meaning friends.
But some have to get put in the water. Set in, gently tossed. Some run back out, others begin to adjust to this new activity more quickly than others but those who stay in are glad they did.
Exercise is my water. I do my best when someone gently sets me in (which makes me think of Woodstock) but I can get in on my own as well. This past 2 weeks I've walked 4 times a week and I'm proud of that. But like the ducks, if I don't test the waters and enjoy what they offer me, I neglect myself.
- Boo on whoever neglected these ducks.
- What the heck, why are they so hesitant to get in the water. It's GOOD for them, it makes and keeps them healthy. They need it.
Every vet will tell a duck "duck, get in the water, you'll be SO glad you did. Don't stay in that tiny pen and eat crummy food- go to the water, move your legs, hunt for duckweed and vegetation hat will fuel your ducky body to have energy and feel better.
The ducks get herded toward the water by well meaning friends.
But some have to get put in the water. Set in, gently tossed. Some run back out, others begin to adjust to this new activity more quickly than others but those who stay in are glad they did.
Exercise is my water. I do my best when someone gently sets me in (which makes me think of Woodstock) but I can get in on my own as well. This past 2 weeks I've walked 4 times a week and I'm proud of that. But like the ducks, if I don't test the waters and enjoy what they offer me, I neglect myself.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Life is too short for later.
Today a classmate died, someone I met before kindergarten and went to school with through high school. We were friends and neighbors. As a kid we shared countless days of summer with the neighborhood kids running through the streets of View Cliff and biking to Adelaide Beach. I boarded my horse at his house- they had a pasture and a barn.
His family was a good family of kind people with a great sense of humor. He married a gal he clearly adored and they had a family of two rescued cats in their home in Japan. When the earthquake hit, he went back out into the wreckage in Japan to care for and save the many pets left behind. He was a good guy, heck he even wrote his own obituary on his blog. As it always does, the death of someone my age made me think about my own life. Toby spent a lot of time coaching and helping others, so I imagine in some way he'd appreciate this.
I am not a person who has to physically see the people I am friends with, I don't do lunch with old high school girlfriends or get together really with college pals.
But a few years ago we had a class reunion, and I missed it. Since then two classmates have died, it would have been nice to say hello. I wouldn't regret missing the reunion, except for the reason I missed it- I didn't want anyone to see me overweight.
I'm heavier than I was when I was a high school cheerleader, and I was afraid people would think of me as a failure, or talk behind my back. Or think I'd "gone to pot" and wasn't pretty or worthwhile anymore. So I made up an excuse and didn't go. A few friend who were in town that know my hubby came out and we got together and I was terrified the whole time of what they were thinking. What was I thinking? I regret not either 1) doing something about my health or 2) getting over it and just going.
I read a comment on Toby's facebook page which said, " Life is too short for later." How true.
His family was a good family of kind people with a great sense of humor. He married a gal he clearly adored and they had a family of two rescued cats in their home in Japan. When the earthquake hit, he went back out into the wreckage in Japan to care for and save the many pets left behind. He was a good guy, heck he even wrote his own obituary on his blog. As it always does, the death of someone my age made me think about my own life. Toby spent a lot of time coaching and helping others, so I imagine in some way he'd appreciate this.
I am not a person who has to physically see the people I am friends with, I don't do lunch with old high school girlfriends or get together really with college pals.
But a few years ago we had a class reunion, and I missed it. Since then two classmates have died, it would have been nice to say hello. I wouldn't regret missing the reunion, except for the reason I missed it- I didn't want anyone to see me overweight.
I'm heavier than I was when I was a high school cheerleader, and I was afraid people would think of me as a failure, or talk behind my back. Or think I'd "gone to pot" and wasn't pretty or worthwhile anymore. So I made up an excuse and didn't go. A few friend who were in town that know my hubby came out and we got together and I was terrified the whole time of what they were thinking. What was I thinking? I regret not either 1) doing something about my health or 2) getting over it and just going.
I read a comment on Toby's facebook page which said, " Life is too short for later." How true.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Before and After Again
This is a WAY cool tool, so check it out. You can customize the look if you want, or just look at the overall body. I know I posted something similar long ago on here but 1) it didn't look like me (hair, face) and 2) I didn't have this cool tool to share.
Model My Diet
This allows you to show a before and after of yourself and really customize. I did one of me, and I think it actually really looks like me. Hate to see myself needing to re-lose so much, but it's nice to put my double chin onto the model so I am not alone. Ha!
Hubby and I made charts so we can color in our weight loss and started walking together wearing our heart rate monitors this week. My goal is a 5k in June, maybe May. I need to check in with Woodstock about what is possible. Hubby suggested a walk/run 5k in May, then running one in June. Not a bad idea.
My shoes are getting worn out (workout shoes) so it's time to get some new ones, my feet were hurting after yesterday's walk.
Here's me- before and after. I can't wait until after!
Model My Diet
This allows you to show a before and after of yourself and really customize. I did one of me, and I think it actually really looks like me. Hate to see myself needing to re-lose so much, but it's nice to put my double chin onto the model so I am not alone. Ha!
Hubby and I made charts so we can color in our weight loss and started walking together wearing our heart rate monitors this week. My goal is a 5k in June, maybe May. I need to check in with Woodstock about what is possible. Hubby suggested a walk/run 5k in May, then running one in June. Not a bad idea.
My shoes are getting worn out (workout shoes) so it's time to get some new ones, my feet were hurting after yesterday's walk.
Here's me- before and after. I can't wait until after!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Facebook Fairgodmother
Do you see a theme? I love Fairy Godmothers. Or guardian angels, or whatever you want to call them. I think they're everywhere and these days with the social media craze they allow us to find support pretty much any time of day or night.
On Facebook there is a community called Fat Girl No More run by a lovely lady named Elisa (I shall now refer to as FF- for Facebook Faiyrgodmother) who posts her updates, successes, challenges and inspirational pics and such all day. Sometimes it's a pic of her pedometer, sometimes a pic or recipe of what she's eating. She's losing and we're with her- what a blast.
Check her out, if you're on FB - here's an example of one of her posts. What a great point- we don't need to succeed or fail because or anyone else, we can succeed in spite of it all. Thanks, FF!
On Facebook there is a community called Fat Girl No More run by a lovely lady named Elisa (I shall now refer to as FF- for Facebook Faiyrgodmother) who posts her updates, successes, challenges and inspirational pics and such all day. Sometimes it's a pic of her pedometer, sometimes a pic or recipe of what she's eating. She's losing and we're with her- what a blast.
Check her out, if you're on FB - here's an example of one of her posts. What a great point- we don't need to succeed or fail because or anyone else, we can succeed in spite of it all. Thanks, FF!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Too introverted to... introvert!
My company is awesome in its celebration of all sorts of peoples- big, small, varying backgrounds, races, religions, as well as disabilities. We even have some focus right now on introverts. Managers have realized "hey, these techies aren't super social- maybe we should stop making them do embarrassing ice breakers and acting like they are friendly and help them work in a manner that fits their introverted real selves". I am social online, but I am actually an introvert. I hate forced social situations, and have to force myself to attend morale events for work.
Don't get me wrong, morale event planners- I appreciate your effort but I do not want to finish work, drive to Seattle and spend hours with my team (who I sometimes see more than my family) at a baseball game (which I do not enjoy) watching them drink (which I don't do) and if I am lucky, as the evening progresses they will drink more and more and begin to repeat themselves. I am happy to be around this behavior in people I am friends with- I'm a well known designated driver. But my coworkers? I'd rather have the afternoon off, thanks. If you want to morale boost me, let me spend BEFORE 3 pm not working with my coworkers. Or give me something I'd like. One team near me did no morale events and all got Kindle's for Christmas. WIN! I wish I was on that team. But alas, I am not.
Anyhow, the whole reason I am writing this post is because I was just clearing my calendar- I have lots to do and too many 'soft' meetings and trainings that I just don't have time for. One thing I cancelled was the Introvert Round Table, this was my big chance to connect with other people who don't want to connect. And I am just too introverted to do it.
Don't get me wrong, morale event planners- I appreciate your effort but I do not want to finish work, drive to Seattle and spend hours with my team (who I sometimes see more than my family) at a baseball game (which I do not enjoy) watching them drink (which I don't do) and if I am lucky, as the evening progresses they will drink more and more and begin to repeat themselves. I am happy to be around this behavior in people I am friends with- I'm a well known designated driver. But my coworkers? I'd rather have the afternoon off, thanks. If you want to morale boost me, let me spend BEFORE 3 pm not working with my coworkers. Or give me something I'd like. One team near me did no morale events and all got Kindle's for Christmas. WIN! I wish I was on that team. But alas, I am not.
Anyhow, the whole reason I am writing this post is because I was just clearing my calendar- I have lots to do and too many 'soft' meetings and trainings that I just don't have time for. One thing I cancelled was the Introvert Round Table, this was my big chance to connect with other people who don't want to connect. And I am just too introverted to do it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Skinnybuns and the Trekking Ligers
Oh my goodness, I think I could write a children's book. The adventures of a girl with very skinny buns, and her sidekicks. They head out to walk a zillion (100- but still, that feels like a zillion) miles to raise funds for Oxfam.
Oxfam is not a family of oxen, though that would be adorable.
Oxfam's name comes from its origins- the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. Oxford as in the place in the UK. Not as furry but still very important.
Their mission:
"Working with thousands of local partner organizations, we work with people living in poverty striving to exercise their human rights, assert their dignity as full citizens and take control of their lives."
Take control of their lives? YES! I love it! Human rights, a hand-up in getting out of poverty, all these things are important but taking control of their own lives- most important. That is the key to breaking the poverty cycle.
Anyhow, SkinnyBuns and Eagle Guru are joining a couple friends and they are going to walk 100 miles and they've been given 30 hours to do it. But that is not good enough for them because they're going to do it in 24 hours. (How do I know the Eagle Guru is somehow behind the reduction in time?). This hardly allows for stops to pet animals along the way or nap breaks, or anything of that sort. They shall have to entertain themselves with music and such. I shall provide them with a few of our favorite time killing family games from when we go walking. We trade off questions, among them are:
Anyhow, Skinnybuns is blogging here: so you can read her goals and progress...
and their fundraiser page is here (you will notice it's under her teammates name, Julie) if you are so inclined to support their effort. Remember, the funds go to the Oxfam's amazing work, not to the Trekking Ligers team shirts or after-race festivities. And Oxfam deserves the support.
Go Ligers!
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Oxen mom and calf- a tiny oxen family. Cute, but not doing a whole lot of charity work.. |
Oxfam's name comes from its origins- the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. Oxford as in the place in the UK. Not as furry but still very important.
Their mission:
"Working with thousands of local partner organizations, we work with people living in poverty striving to exercise their human rights, assert their dignity as full citizens and take control of their lives."
Take control of their lives? YES! I love it! Human rights, a hand-up in getting out of poverty, all these things are important but taking control of their own lives- most important. That is the key to breaking the poverty cycle.
Anyhow, SkinnyBuns and Eagle Guru are joining a couple friends and they are going to walk 100 miles and they've been given 30 hours to do it. But that is not good enough for them because they're going to do it in 24 hours. (How do I know the Eagle Guru is somehow behind the reduction in time?). This hardly allows for stops to pet animals along the way or nap breaks, or anything of that sort. They shall have to entertain themselves with music and such. I shall provide them with a few of our favorite time killing family games from when we go walking. We trade off questions, among them are:
- if you could be a
what would you be? - what is your favorite
- if you could eat anything right now what would it be?
- if you could have anything right now what would it be?
- if you could get a new car, what would you choose?
- if you had one wish (or 3, depends on how much time... and no you cannot wish for more wishes) what would you wish for
- if you could give one person something, what would it be
- if you could solve one world problem what would you fix?
- how do you think
could be fixed?
Anyhow, Skinnybuns is blogging here: so you can read her goals and progress...
and their fundraiser page is here (you will notice it's under her teammates name, Julie) if you are so inclined to support their effort. Remember, the funds go to the Oxfam's amazing work, not to the Trekking Ligers team shirts or after-race festivities. And Oxfam deserves the support.
Go Ligers!
Sleeping Olympics
Seriously, I do. I love it. Naps- yep. Snoozes? Yep! Night time- I am like a hibernating bear. Or wait- maybe a ferret.
I saw this video and almost died laughing. It's me, I thought. And not just because it's winter so I am pale and kinda hairy. No, I am a heavy sleeper.
When my kids were little, I'd sleep through their wake ups. Nightmare? Check with Daddy, I do not hear you. Crying? I'd ask my husband the next day what he was talking about when he described the crying and how he'd gotten up to soothe a screaming toddler. They could climb in my bed and I wouldn't wake up. In the morning I'd just wonder where they came from. Of course I am a kicker, so I am highly likely to give you the boot (literally boot/kick you HARD) if you encroach on my space in bed.
Anyhow, I've never used the sleep tracker on my fitbit. I tried, but didn't realize why it wasn't working- well the fitbit may be worn for step tracking on your belt, bra, pocket, or in your hair- but when you sleep it's wrist only. It comes with a nice little pouch and you just wear it to sleep. I was pretty certain I'd yank it off in my sleep, but I didn't.
The other challenge is you hold the button down for 3 seconds once you've crawled into bed and are ready to sleep. It looks like it's starting a timer, which really panicked me. "That can't be right!" I thought, but it is. Just hold it down- see a weird timer thing start and you are ready. I did this after reading, as I shut off the light.
Then I stared into the dark trying to see my wrist. What was my fitbit thinking? Was it judging me? Do I get extra steps for when I kick my hubby for snoring in the night? (answer- nope).
But it DID evaluate my sleep. And I got an A. 99% sleep efficiency. Of course, I *said* I love sleep. So I am going to do this more often, now that I know how to set it. And maybe someday fitbit will start ranking us against our friends for how awesome we sleep (because I am so far behind Skinnybuns in steps I could circle the earth and still not match her!). Ahhh yes, I've found my skill!
I saw this video
When my kids were little, I'd sleep through their wake ups. Nightmare? Check with Daddy, I do not hear you. Crying? I'd ask my husband the next day what he was talking about when he described the crying and how he'd gotten up to soothe a screaming toddler. They could climb in my bed and I wouldn't wake up. In the morning I'd just wonder where they came from. Of course I am a kicker, so I am highly likely to give you the boot (literally boot/kick you HARD) if you encroach on my space in bed.
Anyhow, I've never used the sleep tracker on my fitbit. I tried, but didn't realize why it wasn't working- well the fitbit may be worn for step tracking on your belt, bra, pocket, or in your hair- but when you sleep it's wrist only. It comes with a nice little pouch and you just wear it to sleep. I was pretty certain I'd yank it off in my sleep, but I didn't.
The other challenge is you hold the button down for 3 seconds once you've crawled into bed and are ready to sleep. It looks like it's starting a timer, which really panicked me. "That can't be right!" I thought, but it is. Just hold it down- see a weird timer thing start and you are ready. I did this after reading, as I shut off the light.
Then I stared into the dark trying to see my wrist. What was my fitbit thinking? Was it judging me? Do I get extra steps for when I kick my hubby for snoring in the night? (answer- nope).
But it DID evaluate my sleep. And I got an A. 99% sleep efficiency. Of course, I *said* I love sleep. So I am going to do this more often, now that I know how to set it. And maybe someday fitbit will start ranking us against our friends for how awesome we sleep (because I am so far behind Skinnybuns in steps I could circle the earth and still not match her!). Ahhh yes, I've found my skill!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Welcome to Holland
In my doctor's office, on the wall, is a story about disability. It was originally written by the mother of an autistic child, but it applies to anyone whose life may not be the life they thought they'd have or planned to have. My life has been different than I planned, or expected, but I love it. I wouldn't trade my friends or life for the one I dreamed of, despite it all. By the way, I've been to Holland- it's magnificent!
Welcome to Holland
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned." And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.
Emily Perl Kingsley 1987
Welcome to Holland
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned." And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.
Emily Perl Kingsley 1987
Friday, February 22, 2013
You're Fired!
I have to fire someone. She's been working for me, but here are a few of her issues:
- She doesn't do what she promises
- She's super full of excuses
- She gets mad when she doesn't get promoted/see improvement (even though she's not doing the work)
- She's inaccurate with her counting and numbers
and she's me.
I'd never treat my paid job or my job as wife, mom, horse mom, pet mom, or otherwise this badly- why am I doing this for the most important job I have? I am the only one who can do the job of taking care of my health, getting back to goal weight and getting in shape. And I've not been a great employee. But I can't fire myself so it's time to plan for improvement.
I got a great tip from a work friend who I shall call Little Momma because she's having like her 3rd kid and she's one of those pregnant gals who has a fit cute figure with a baby belly on it. Seriously, if I had to be pregnant I'd want to be her. But she is very disciplined, so I am utilizing her brilliant ideas.
Here's one- she has a reminder pop up every day early in the morning on her Outlook calendar. It's called GOALS and has a list of things she wants to do (exercise, etc) and things to remember. I set one up for myself- I'll share it here.
Hopefully this is a start to getting back on track and being a good employee to myself :)
You want one too? just click here for instructions on setting a recurring appointment in Outlook. (I did set mine to "private" by clicking the tiny lock symbol, just so everyone at work won't see my goals.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Seriously do NOT feed the Birds at Mt Rainier
Crows and ravens (my two favorite birds) walk, not hop. I've always loved the way they walk along, with their little feather pants fluffed out. I can't resist feeding them. So much so that this weekend I got a flipping TICKET at Mt Rainier for feeding the birds.
I went to Mt Rainier on Saturday in one of 8 cars full of teenagers, a day trip to go sledding and have a parking lot hot dog cookout (boiled, not fire). I wore my pedometer and only managed about 3500 steps on the outing because I was really there to cook and coordinate. But seriously- no good deed goes unpunished so when we had a break from sledding my hubby threw some dog food out for the ravens to snack on. We were enjoying watching them when a Ranger car pulled up.
Earlier that day a Ranger had asked a few of our less-obedient kids to stop sledding in a "no sledding zone" and of course we complied. This gal was so nice she posed with a broken no-sledding sign for me (our kids did not break the sign, just for the record).
So, flash back to the parking lot- Ranger pulls up and we assume he's ticked we fed the birds. We're anticipating a warning, maybe he makes us clean up the tiny pile of food.
No such luck. Not only does he CALL FOR BACKUP but he gets out and loudly asks "DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS??!!" and points to the ground as if he's inquiring about a dead baby. My husband immediately admits we fed the birds, and offers to clean it up.
Crabby Ranger proceeds to take his driver's license and go to his car, after telling my husband and I about how they cannot just warn us- this is VERY serious and we'll be getting a ticket. At this point I am in shock- they're wasting TWO cars to ticket someone from a church group for FEEDING A BIRD? I wasn't sneaking marmots out of the park for pete's sake. And there wasn't a flock of birds eating, so don't act like I was drawing attention. There were about 2 ravens max. Oh and the other birds were eating from trash cans and other visitor's cars.
He tells hubby to clean up the food, so I go get a plastic bag and hubby on hands and knees cleans up the dog food. Never mind the raven who insists on walking around the crime scene eating bits right in front of us all, almost sending my daughter and I into fits of laughter.
Then Ranger Crabby proceeds to lecture us about how animals starve after they become dependent on people. Yeah, yeah- nature nature. We know the story. But I am pretty educated when it comes to Corvids and I assure you they're not only smarter than the guy who gave us a ticket they are amazingly self reliant, humans or not. Then he starts telling us foxes are going to come ("foxes?!!where!" I try not to yell) and they are all going to be HIT BY CARS because of us.
I realize feeding animals is probably against the rules. And I can even understand scolding us or lecturing us but calling for backup and giving us a ticket for $125 seemed like overkill... all on a day I gave my time to volunteer with a bunch of teenagers. My mom would say no good deed goes unpunished!
Here's a pic I snapped while we were ticketed.... I guess we'll feed the ravens nevermore.
I went to Mt Rainier on Saturday in one of 8 cars full of teenagers, a day trip to go sledding and have a parking lot hot dog cookout (boiled, not fire). I wore my pedometer and only managed about 3500 steps on the outing because I was really there to cook and coordinate. But seriously- no good deed goes unpunished so when we had a break from sledding my hubby threw some dog food out for the ravens to snack on. We were enjoying watching them when a Ranger car pulled up.
Nice Ranger dutifully shoos kids from the No Sledding Zone |
So, flash back to the parking lot- Ranger pulls up and we assume he's ticked we fed the birds. We're anticipating a warning, maybe he makes us clean up the tiny pile of food.
No such luck. Not only does he CALL FOR BACKUP but he gets out and loudly asks "DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS??!!" and points to the ground as if he's inquiring about a dead baby. My husband immediately admits we fed the birds, and offers to clean it up.
Crabby Ranger proceeds to take his driver's license and go to his car, after telling my husband and I about how they cannot just warn us- this is VERY serious and we'll be getting a ticket. At this point I am in shock- they're wasting TWO cars to ticket someone from a church group for FEEDING A BIRD? I wasn't sneaking marmots out of the park for pete's sake. And there wasn't a flock of birds eating, so don't act like I was drawing attention. There were about 2 ravens max. Oh and the other birds were eating from trash cans and other visitor's cars.
He tells hubby to clean up the food, so I go get a plastic bag and hubby on hands and knees cleans up the dog food. Never mind the raven who insists on walking around the crime scene eating bits right in front of us all, almost sending my daughter and I into fits of laughter.
Then Ranger Crabby proceeds to lecture us about how animals starve after they become dependent on people. Yeah, yeah- nature nature. We know the story. But I am pretty educated when it comes to Corvids and I assure you they're not only smarter than the guy who gave us a ticket they are amazingly self reliant, humans or not. Then he starts telling us foxes are going to come ("foxes?!!where!" I try not to yell) and they are all going to be HIT BY CARS because of us.
I realize feeding animals is probably against the rules. And I can even understand scolding us or lecturing us but calling for backup and giving us a ticket for $125 seemed like overkill... all on a day I gave my time to volunteer with a bunch of teenagers. My mom would say no good deed goes unpunished!
Here's a pic I snapped while we were ticketed.... I guess we'll feed the ravens nevermore.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Comfort Sandals (aka, am I getting old)
There was a day and a time when I really put some effort into my looks. These days you could pretty much chart the effort I put into myself and it would go up as my weight goes down. Confession- the other day I had to wear some open toed shoes to work and I only bothered to paint the toes you could see. Seriously, how lazy can you get?
That is SO dumb, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter my size. Anyhow, long ago I was skinny and looking cute was easier plus I put more work into it.
Today, I am wearing sandals with Velcro. In fact it was just a few years ago when I was heckling a good friend who was pregnant and wearing flesh-colored (okay, they were cream) sandals, her puffed feet velcroed in like two chubby little whales hanging from those slings when they are transported. Fortunately she had a great sense of humor (and lost her baby weight in 10 minutes) so she was amused as well.
Today, I am on a travel trip wearing sandals with Velcro. Ecco brand, I like to say I think they're cute. I am not sure, but I don't care. That's right, I said it. I got blue, thinking I could dodge the cream and black options and I think they're cute.
That is SO dumb, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter my size. Anyhow, long ago I was skinny and looking cute was easier plus I put more work into it.
Today, I am wearing sandals with Velcro. In fact it was just a few years ago when I was heckling a good friend who was pregnant and wearing flesh-colored (okay, they were cream) sandals, her puffed feet velcroed in like two chubby little whales hanging from those slings when they are transported. Fortunately she had a great sense of humor (and lost her baby weight in 10 minutes) so she was amused as well.
Today, I am on a travel trip wearing sandals with Velcro. Ecco brand, I like to say I think they're cute. I am not sure, but I don't care. That's right, I said it. I got blue, thinking I could dodge the cream and black options and I think they're cute.
and I am going to give them a try because I am sick of my feet hurting and who knows, maybe a compromise would help me get in more steps.
UPDATE: later that same day- I just put almost 5,000 steps on these beauties and my feet feel like they've been in workout tennis shoes. I went to the Zoo in them and this bird loved them so much he followed me.
Here, I took a pic (yeah, the ground was that rough by the Gibbon cages):
here's a pic of his face, he seems to be saying:
"quit worrying about foot fashion and get those steps in, lady!"
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Stepping through the Philippines
My fitbit charges, and my account recognizes it, but it swears I have no steps. NO STEPS?! You're talking to the lady who was marching outside the bathroom on the plane to get steps, buddy. I need to get this fixed. So I'll log my steps here for the trip to make it easier. So I'll be popping back in to update it. Update: steps are fixed, now I can track.
- Saturday- 6,000 steps (a bit over actually) and then 16 hours of flight.
- from Saturday at 7 am- landing in Korea middle of the night and heading to Manila.
- Sunday- 4835 total.
- from Sunday 10 pm when I arrived to Monday when I crashed to go to bed about 1 pm. It includes my trip to the Zoo.
- of note- this was the "lost day" when I crossed the international dateline and but got another good steps in (2500 at airport and on way to hotel).
- Monday - 7,811 steps
- from Monday at 7 pm and when I crashed into bed at noon on Tuesday. Ate WAY too much junk so glad to have done okay on steps.
- Fitbit did not track my sleep from its nest in my hair yesterday, going to try it on my shorts when I sleep now.
- Tuesday 8037
- mall walking really helps- so many interesting stores at the MegaMall I could walk for days.
- Wednesday 2560
- This wasn't a great day for steps, but it was amazing for sleep. I got home from work and slept like mad.
- failed at logging sleep - used a pony tail holder to try to keep it on my wrist but it didn't work.
- Thursday 7540
- did a lot of mall walking, treated myself to a massage (60 min for $15!) and walked walked walked some more
Airport Security - stop that hair!
I am in the Philippines right now, I just arrived. I'll be here all week for work.
Airports are like opportunities, something weird always happens. Last trip (to Panama) for work I was waiting at the gate for an hour with a guy doing pushups and sit ups on the stained disgusting carpet. I thought he was a little overboard, and the exercise gods punished me by making me lose my fitbit in the airport. By the way, if you ever lose a fitbit in the Panama Airport you will never see it again, so don't even bother to call. Someone will assume it's a giant paperclip and use it as such or throw it out I assume.
Back to this trip- I am going through security with my standard "hair piled on head into a giant messy bun okay maybe I ratted it up/teased it a little so sue me" and I got stopped by security. SO THEY COULD INSPECT MY HAIR. And they did.
These days with the many variations of getting searched at the airport I suppose I am lucky, but honestly I'd rather have a bra check than have them destroy my 'do before I head onto 16 hours of flights.
I told Woodstock I'd get in 10,000 steps a day, and I got in almost 6,000 before my flight left- then it changed days. DOH! Anyhow, I'll synch my fitbit to my machine and post toward the end of the trip so we can see how I am doing.
Airports are like opportunities, something weird always happens. Last trip (to Panama) for work I was waiting at the gate for an hour with a guy doing pushups and sit ups on the stained disgusting carpet. I thought he was a little overboard, and the exercise gods punished me by making me lose my fitbit in the airport. By the way, if you ever lose a fitbit in the Panama Airport you will never see it again, so don't even bother to call. Someone will assume it's a giant paperclip and use it as such or throw it out I assume.
Back to this trip- I am going through security with my standard "hair piled on head into a giant messy bun okay maybe I ratted it up/teased it a little so sue me" and I got stopped by security. SO THEY COULD INSPECT MY HAIR. And they did.
These days with the many variations of getting searched at the airport I suppose I am lucky, but honestly I'd rather have a bra check than have them destroy my 'do before I head onto 16 hours of flights.
I told Woodstock I'd get in 10,000 steps a day, and I got in almost 6,000 before my flight left- then it changed days. DOH! Anyhow, I'll synch my fitbit to my machine and post toward the end of the trip so we can see how I am doing.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
A daily jolt of goodness
Oh Skinnybuns, you are like a fairy godmother (with a much better figure) who pops in with good things to share. Out of the way, Martha Stewart, Skinnybuns knows the REAL good things.
Today she shared this with me:
where you can get a short daily note of inspiration AND they customize. So your name (or whatever you wish to be called) goes in and even, on occasion, your specific goals.
then I said STOP. Skinnybuns NEVER says just to shoot for skinny because skinny isn't always healthy (a lot of people get skinny just before they die, as I recall). So I thought hard about what I want to have for my body and for my life.
I'm pretty happy- my house isn't fancy but it works, there is a lot of goodness there. But I do have kinda crummy cars. Not horrific, they run and they're paid for but my Honda Civic is an '04 and it's so loud inside I can't do conference calls without being accused of being in a convertible. My Suburban is 14 and she's showing her age- she drives like an old truck and is ready to retire.
I can live with them but boy would a newer (or even slightly better) car or truck be awesome. So that's my material object.
and my body- I came up with some descriptors for that as well that go beyond thin. I tried to think of how I felt at my healthiest...
Today she shared this with me:
where you can get a short daily note of inspiration AND they customize. So your name (or whatever you wish to be called) goes in and even, on occasion, your specific goals.
then I said STOP. Skinnybuns NEVER says just to shoot for skinny because skinny isn't always healthy (a lot of people get skinny just before they die, as I recall). So I thought hard about what I want to have for my body and for my life.
I'm pretty happy- my house isn't fancy but it works, there is a lot of goodness there. But I do have kinda crummy cars. Not horrific, they run and they're paid for but my Honda Civic is an '04 and it's so loud inside I can't do conference calls without being accused of being in a convertible. My Suburban is 14 and she's showing her age- she drives like an old truck and is ready to retire.
I can live with them but boy would a newer (or even slightly better) car or truck be awesome. So that's my material object.
and my body- I came up with some descriptors for that as well that go beyond thin. I tried to think of how I felt at my healthiest...
anyhow, I am pretty excited about these new messages. I'm sure I'll share a few amusing ones here as they roll in every day.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Trash In, Trash Out
I love a touch of trash- but in my food? I am notorious for eating absolute garbage even when I know it makes me feel terrible. Twinkies (RIP), frozen processed meals, sugar sugar and more sugar. But here's an interesting article- check it out:
You think the FDA has your back? Sure, they recently proposed two new regulations to up food safety measures, specifically how food processors and farmers can work better to keep their fresh products free of dangerous bacteria (remember that killer cantaloupe outbreak from 2011?). But while it may seem like the government is out to protect us from bad—even fatal—food-borne illnesses, which cause some 3,000 deaths a year, they don't completely have our best interest—or health—in mind.
Hmmm maybe it's not just calorie count but WHAT you're eating that matters....
You think the FDA has your back? Sure, they recently proposed two new regulations to up food safety measures, specifically how food processors and farmers can work better to keep their fresh products free of dangerous bacteria (remember that killer cantaloupe outbreak from 2011?). But while it may seem like the government is out to protect us from bad—even fatal—food-borne illnesses, which cause some 3,000 deaths a year, they don't completely have our best interest—or health—in mind.
Hmmm maybe it's not just calorie count but WHAT you're eating that matters....
Friday, January 11, 2013
A date with my gym bag
Time for some work to make being healthy easier. Here are my weekend commitments...
- Organize gym bag,
- Charge and set up fitbit (bought it in Sept, haven't been using)
- Start wearing HRM for exercise
- Clean risky food from house (mostly cereal, cannot be trusted with cereal)
and I think hubby and I will do something Saturday like a long long walk around Greenlake or something.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tacky Templates
Please excuse a bit of oddity while I hassle with these templates. My old template died (went away for some coding reason) so now I am forced to find a suitably tacky replacement. I promise soon the words won't all be centered or giant or weird - I'll fix it on my lunch break today :)
20/20, now 20/10
I did 20/20. It was a great program and I loved it, it worked better than any other weight loss program I have done. Like all weight loss programs, there were a few commons:
I have talked to other 20/20 alumni had this same experience when injured and I have come to the conclusion that the end of the program when you have precious few dietitian appointments, trainer appointments, etc, you are afraid to use them while injured. You go on a medical break but have no support. My trainer, Woodstock, emailed me but I was highly dependent on the 3x a week of having her chase me through the gym and the finality of every Friday with my dietitian. Without my crew, I fell into a slump. The thrill was gone.
Now I realize this is mostly my problem, but do believe some 'transition' planning would be really beneficial for clients, as I know ones who regain talk about just feeling like they had it all during the program but were alone (and hungry) when it was over. No cheer crew.
Regardless, I remain devoted to 20/20 and always recommend people do it. It's the best program out there, period.
I think of 20/20 as perfect vision, which is what you get with help and support (sometimes glasses- which is how I see the structure, dietitian, etc). It works, and you feel great.
Today I am on what I call 20/10. That's a little better than perfect vision, you can see a little more. I think that is what people have when they have to re-lose some or all of their program weight. More perfect? are you kidding? re-losing is LESS perfect.
No, little grasshopper, it is not. Because you are wiser, you SEE more. You know what you need to do and you can't use glasses to get there. No doctor gives out glasses to get you from 20/20 to 20/10. You can only be 20/10 naturally.
And there are 10 things I know now that I didn't know then.
- it works (calories in < calories burned)
I have talked to other 20/20 alumni had this same experience when injured and I have come to the conclusion that the end of the program when you have precious few dietitian appointments, trainer appointments, etc, you are afraid to use them while injured. You go on a medical break but have no support. My trainer, Woodstock, emailed me but I was highly dependent on the 3x a week of having her chase me through the gym and the finality of every Friday with my dietitian. Without my crew, I fell into a slump. The thrill was gone.
Now I realize this is mostly my problem, but do believe some 'transition' planning would be really beneficial for clients, as I know ones who regain talk about just feeling like they had it all during the program but were alone (and hungry) when it was over. No cheer crew.
Regardless, I remain devoted to 20/20 and always recommend people do it. It's the best program out there, period.
I think of 20/20 as perfect vision, which is what you get with help and support (sometimes glasses- which is how I see the structure, dietitian, etc). It works, and you feel great.
Today I am on what I call 20/10. That's a little better than perfect vision, you can see a little more. I think that is what people have when they have to re-lose some or all of their program weight. More perfect? are you kidding? re-losing is LESS perfect.
No, little grasshopper, it is not. Because you are wiser, you SEE more. You know what you need to do and you can't use glasses to get there. No doctor gives out glasses to get you from 20/20 to 20/10. You can only be 20/10 naturally.
And there are 10 things I know now that I didn't know then.
- If you stop doing what you learned, it stops working. And you gain weight. And it sucks.
- Once you're thin your body DOES NOT decide to stay thin on it's own like it did when you were 20.
- Those clothes you enthusiastically threw out because they were too big may be missed. But don't- just replace a few to get by and get back to the smaller clothes.
- You won't get or stay anywhere if you don't exercise now.
- You now have to learn and face truths about obesity you may not have realized before- more illness, less energy, etc.
- It's a bitter pill to swallow having seen people who tell you how amazing you look then facing them again with more weight. I had someone ask "why did you get fat again".
- You really can't do it for anyone else, or be motivated by anyone else. Or make a deal that "we'll both do good" because ultimately you get on the scale alone.
- The scale matters. It's a tool for measuring. I'd wear pants unbuttoned if it meant I could pretend I hadn't gained, but I cannot trick the scale.
- You will miss being thin more than you will love any dessert, food or event.
- Freedom means you can choose- and you always can- to eat healthy or poorly. And eating poorly WILL make you feel lousy. There's no denying it.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Clearly, I was overserved.
Growing up my older brothers had friends who were like family, they were always around. One, who was notorious for overimbing would often say "Clearly, I was overserved".
This past year, I have been overserved. By myself. Actually, it started last January when I got injured. Very slowwwwly I began to regain and get out of shape. I can say without hesitation that it is a LOT less fun to gain than to lose.
So I am going back to losing, it was a lot more fun.
Why now, you ask? Why are you blogging again dear Trashy? Why not continue to hide from your blog and your butt like you have been?
Because of Skinnybuns and Woodstock. For one, Skinnybuns has lost her mind and is planning a 100k trek in England. AND she started blogging. See her blog here, she's posting her goals (with numbers, brave girl) and progress and things she's grateful for. I am going to start posting stuff I am grateful for (as soon as I think of something).
Here is Skinnybuns blog:
and Eagle Guru is trekking with her, I believe. I admit, if I were rich and famous I'd go along just to carry their water bottles, those brave souls. Or maybe to cheer for them (another time I shall confess to my constant need to cheer for people and things).
So she has inspired me. Also, I got a package of workouts with Woodstock who will NEVER let me forget that me and my chubbiness are never, ever, ever EVER getting back together (to quote Taylor Swift) because I have done this before and I will do it again.
And I will.
This past year, I have been overserved. By myself. Actually, it started last January when I got injured. Very slowwwwly I began to regain and get out of shape. I can say without hesitation that it is a LOT less fun to gain than to lose.
- hey, this is easier!
- hey, that fits better!
- hey, I can do that!
- this is harder
- this sucks
- I can't fit into that
- I can't do that
So I am going back to losing, it was a lot more fun.
Why now, you ask? Why are you blogging again dear Trashy? Why not continue to hide from your blog and your butt like you have been?
Because of Skinnybuns and Woodstock. For one, Skinnybuns has lost her mind and is planning a 100k trek in England. AND she started blogging. See her blog here, she's posting her goals (with numbers, brave girl) and progress and things she's grateful for. I am going to start posting stuff I am grateful for (as soon as I think of something).
Here is Skinnybuns blog:
and Eagle Guru is trekking with her, I believe. I admit, if I were rich and famous I'd go along just to carry their water bottles, those brave souls. Or maybe to cheer for them (another time I shall confess to my constant need to cheer for people and things).
So she has inspired me. Also, I got a package of workouts with Woodstock who will NEVER let me forget that me and my chubbiness are never, ever, ever EVER getting back together (to quote Taylor Swift) because I have done this before and I will do it again.
And I will.
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